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The Foundation

For the past 2 years, the Maia Baudelaire Foundation has been involved in humanitarian and cultural projects through Nepalese associations.

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Maïa Academy

Maintenance and reception of children in the new school built by the foundation in Nepal.

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Food aid

Following the COVID crisis, which has placed many people in precarious situations, a food distribution was carried out at Sahayogi in Nepal.

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Art foundation

Creation of artist residencies to allow young people to express themselves.

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In order to enable the residents of the village of Khokana, a clinic is under construction.

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Humanitarian and cultural projects

The Maia Baudelaire Foundation is a humanitarian organization created in 2019 that works around the world to help the most vulnerable populations. Born from the desire of its founder, Maïa Baudelaire, to work for a fairer world, it carries out actions mainly in Nepal but also in Morocco.

Our actions

Maintenance and reception of children in the new school built by the foundation in Nepal.

Food aid

Following the COVID crisis,
many people in precarious situations
received food aid.

Art foundation

Creation of artistic residencies to allow young people to express themselves (music, painting, etc.).


In order to provide access to healthcare for the residents of Khokana village, a clinic is being built.


Humanitarian and cultural projects

The Maïa Baudelaire Foundation is hosted by the Fondation de France.
The life story of its founder, from a family of expatriate parents, Maïa Baudelaire, very quickly opened up to the world and to different cultures. She then became involved for years in humanitarian and health work.
The Foundation’s objective is to help the most deprived people by reducing social inequalities and supporting ambitious projects.

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